There are different types of memories in the human upper airway
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Evidence of an “arsenal of immune cells able to fight off respiratory infections” is real in the upper airways of young adults and older people
This “exciting study” shows that an “arsenal of immune cells capable of fighting off respiratory infections” can be reliably detected in the upper airways of both young adults and older people, who typically have weaker immune responses, says Linda Wakim, an immunologist at the University of Melbourne in Australia, and who was not involved with the research.
The researchers also learnt that they could swab hard-to-reach immune organs called the adenoids, which are tucked away at the back of the nose. These organs analyse inhaled air and contain structures called germinal centres. The structures act as a training camp for the B cells, which are the primary cause of the immune system’s weakness.
According to Ramirez, the study found that germinal centers in the adenoids of all the study participants were active during their 20’s. The researchers found that some participants contracted COVID-19 while in the study, and they found evidence of the germinal centre’s effectiveness by showing B cells in the participants noses.
Germinal centres are typically active only during and shortly after acute infection or immunization, yet the authors found active germinal centres even when participants didn’t report feeling sick. If you use the new technique, then you will have a better understanding of what is driving the centres, and how the virus shapes the immune responses.
Farber says the findings offer a “very valuable” way to measure the changes in immune response after vaccination in the testing of vaccine candidates. She says that they show how tall a hill is to climb if the immune system is active in the upper airway.
Sydney Ramirez, an infectious-disease physician and immunologist at the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, says that previous research on the immune system focused on immune cells in the blood and lower airways because they are accessible through blood draws and some types of organ donation.
The immune players that make up the first line of defence for the lungs are located in the nose, according to the most detailed look to date at these cells.
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Source: Immunological memory diversity in the human upper airway
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Evidence of an “arsenal” of immune cells capable of fighting off respiratory infections can be reliably detected in the upper airways of young adults and older people, said researchers from the University of Melbourne in Australia. The structures act as a training camp for the B cells, which are the primary cause of the immune system’s weakness.