Under climate change bee abundance is predicted
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Statistical inference on honeybee selection in drought: the role of temperature ramping rate and inferring body size from rodent abundance
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Impacts of climate change on cellular automata in Southern Chihuahuan desert grasslands: a research project of R Foundation for statistical computing
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Source: Heat and desiccation tolerances predict bee abundance under climate change
Observational variability and regional trends in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, USA. Monsoons in Environ 103
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Source: Heat and desiccation tolerances predict bee abundance under climate change
The bee tree of life: phylosignal: an R package to measure, test, and explore the phylogenetic signal
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Source: Heat and desiccation tolerances predict bee abundance under climate change
The Impact of Climate Variability on Population and Ecological Responses to Global Change. Proceedings of the 11th Workshop ‘An Ecologically Relevant Population’
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An analysis of climate-related responses to climate change revealed that populations of specialist and generalist bees were found to be more affected by drought than by climate-related climate events. However, the impact of climate-related events on generalist bees was not as significant as on specialist bees. Notably, the effects of climate-related events on generalist bees are not as large as they are for specialist bees.
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