In need of protection will be vast new glaciers
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Vanishing permanent glaciers: the role of climate change on Antarctic glacial retreats and the environmental status of the human climate niche (CMIP6)
Rising temperatures could reduce the area covered by alpine glaciers around the world by more than one-fifth this century, exposing vast areas of land to the atmosphere for the first time in thousands of years. As ice retreats form, there are challenges and opportunities to be had for preservation.
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Source: Future emergence of new ecosystems caused by glacial retreat
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Towards a global approach for glaciation in the Great Outdoors: Geographical adaptation of the FRW ecosystem and implications for faun and fauna
“This could be one of the largest ecosystem changes on our planet,” says lead author Jean-Baptiste Bosson, a glaciologist with the Conservatory of Natural Areas of Haute-Savoie (ASTERS), a conservation group based in Annecy, France.
Bosson and his colleagues project that around 78% of newly exposed terrain would be on land, whereas 14% and 8% percent of the ice-free areas would occur in marine and freshwater regions, respectively. In a curious twist, Bosson says, many of these areas could provide crucial new habitat that must be protected: colonization by plants could lead to increased carbon storage at a time when forests elsewhere are being destroyed, while also providing fresh habitats for animals threatened by climate change at lower elevations.
The study is useful for scientists who are studying how fauna and flora move around in the great outdoors. Less than half of the glaciers are currently located in protected areas, and this could help governments prepare for inevitable questions about land management.
Rising temperatures could reduce the area covered by glaciers worldwide by more than one fifth this century, exposing vast areas of land to atmosphere for the first time in thousands of years, according to a study. Satellite radar interferometry and visocelastic modeling show there’s a solid Earth response to ice retreat, the study added. “This could be one of the largest ecosystems changes on our planet,” it further said.
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